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Inspired by Silly Liz: I am / I need

Ok liz... here what happens when I try it:

I am / I need

Google “[your name] needs” and see what comes up.

Ian needs about $400000 set aside now to cover his future needs.
Ian needs an Old Man's Cane
Ian needs to record the stocking of pond P 7
Ian needs to record his third event: the harvest for pond P 4
Ian needs a wife merely to secure his fortune
Ian needs to start wearing NIN shirts
Ian needs to be sure to practice that drive to the hospital over and over
Ian needs to be advised to keep all sharp objects away from Rebecca
Ian needs to wash his mouth out with soap

Google “[your name] is” and see what comes up.

Ian is also the publisher and co-editor of a weekly on-line electronic newsletter, the Committed Sardine Blog
Ian is an educator first and foremos
Ian is playing a small set of "Coffeehouse" gigs to wrap up the 2005 Minute
Ian is seeking a new distribution company for John Holt and Generous Thief
Ian is an enlightened spiritual visionar
Ian is willing to drop the mask and show others who he truely is
Ian is an old pal
Ian is C5 News' Poet
Ian is Assistant Professor of Literature Communication and Culture at Georgia Institute of Technology
Ian is working with Orson Scott Card (WOW! I love this author, one of my favorites!)
Ian is just a happy little guy sitting in his scooter thing
Ian is Hopspitalized
Ian is an artist and a great guy with a big heart
Ian is guest-starring in a February sweeps
Ian is suspected of putting real bullets in Regis' prop gun

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